• unexpected flying objects

    First published, 31st January 2014In January not one single skinny fly landed on my web. Two flies landed yesterday (2nd February).I couldn’t settle last night after flying in from London to Riyadh. I’ve been thinking of writing a novel about Saudi for ten years. Each year I edge a little closer to what it should…

  • moriarty gets the girl

    First published, 4th March 2014History is a novel without a future. You know I rather despise the cheap tricks used in genre fiction to hook the reader, suspend the suspense, hang the cliff, as if all that matters is what comes next…I remember first reading Slaughterhouse-5. What hit me most was the way Vonnegut played with time;…

  • an allusion to the delusion illusion

    First published, 2nd May 2014The universe is the mind in which we live. That’s all I could think of writing for this month’s blog and really, I didn’t much care to write that down either (or up, or do with it whatever one is supposed to do with words. Ideas). But I decided to write…

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