• mr and mrs breksite

    Nigel twitched the nets behind the green chintz curtains. He peered down into the road. The suburban sporadic swoosh of cars was barely audible through the double glazing.“What is it? Come to bed Nigel. Turn the main light off, as you’re up.”“That van’s parked there again.” He lingered to peer a little more, before pulling…

  • the geisha of pompeii

    I saw Moldir Shirinova again in the Kempinksi Palace Hotel, Abu Dhabi. She was sitting in the lobby fiddling with her phone oblivious as I walked across. Only when I stood over her did she glance up into the golden world and clock me. “Oh. Mr. Nicholas. I’m sorry.” She rose and I stepped back a…

  • ‘this’ is this – on the weaponisation of moral outrage

    originally published 21st September 2023“Consumer capitalism is a theoretical economic and social political condition in which consumer demand is manipulated in a deliberate and coordinated way on a very large scale through mass-marketing techniques, to the advantage of sellers.” (Wikipedia)To the casual and disinterested bystander, the recent hysteria over Russell Brand sits on a scale…

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